Monday, October 29, 2012

Newsletter for October 25, 2012

Dear Family,
Phonics/ Spelling:
This week we will be reviewing red words that were introduced this first trimester.
We will be working on math facts and subtracting this week. We will practice a lot using manipulatives and fact families:
4+1=5, 1+4=5, 5-1=4, 5-4=1
Homework will be math facts and fact family worksheets.
We will introduce owls this week. We will cover science standards of what animals need to live and what they need in their habitat.  Students will learn what owls eat, where they live, and what they look like. This month we will have a guest speaker coming to teach us about owls.
First Grade will have their Halloween parties on Wed. at 1:30.
We will be testing this week and report cards go home Nov. 9th.
Important Reminders: Late start Friday- Nov. 2nd
Time changes over the weekend
Thanksgiving Vacation is Nov. 19th-23rd.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Newsletter for October 22, 2012

Dear Family,
Phonics/ Spelling:
This week in phonics we will introduce the sounds: wh, er, ir, and,  ur .
In spelling our focus will be ch, _tch, and ar. Our red words for the week are:
one, two, four, said, were
 Students will learn their take away   one math facts and adding 0 this week. Practicing math facts at home with manipulatives such as pennies or beans, helps children to see how they can add 1 more with better understanding.
We will continue our study on bats. We will cover science standards of what animals need to live and what they need in their habitat.  Students will learn what bats eat, where they live, what they look like, and other fascinating facts. We will also compare bats and birds.
Halloween Parties:
Your child’s teacher will be sending a note home about classroom Halloween parties. The Halloween parade for K-2 will begin at 8:45 in the quad.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Newsletter for the Week of October 15, 2012

Dear Family, 

Phonics/ Spelling:
This week in phonics we will introduce the H brothers; th, sh, ch, and ar like in armadillo.  In spelling students will learn the ZLFS rule: When a one-syllable word has a short vowel sound followed by the sound /z/, /l/, /f/ or /s/, it is usually spelled zz, ll, ff, or ss. Our red words for the week are:  one, two, four, they, do.

Students will learn their plus one math facts this week. We will be measuring the weight of pennies and other objects with a scale. We will also be reviewing the concept of shortest to tallest.

We will begin our study on bats. We will cover science standards of what animals need to live and what they need in their habitat.  Students will learn what bats eat, where they live, what they look like, and other fascinating facts.

Art connecting to Literature:
We will be reading the book Stellaluna and doing a directive drawing as our art project.

Home Support:
Thank you for listening to your child read each night! They are so excited to bring new books home each week. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dear Family,
Phonics/ Spelling:
This week in phonics we will introduce x and z.  In spelling we will review j, f, short vowel e, long vowel e, and x.
Our red words for the week are:
one, they, he, what, do
Due to minimum days we will only have math facts for homework this week. Please have your child practice the doubles rap and complete both sides of the math fact sheet for homework each night.
Students planted seeds last Friday. This week we will watch them grow in our windows and write about the process.
Important Reminders:
School will be released Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday two hours early.  There will be school next Monday on October 15.
Thank you for reading with your child at home. It is the key to their success!  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Newsletter for the Week of October 1, 2012

Dear Family,
Phonics/ Spelling:
This week in phonics we will introduce f, e, and, j spelled j and dge.  In spelling we will review that short vowel sounds are followed by ck. We will focus on the blends: tr, cr, gr, pr, br, and dr.
Our red words for the week are:
put, you, are, what, do   Thank you for working with your child to practice their red word rings.  Please keep those rings in their homework folder!
This week we will start our fact homework. Students should complete side b just like they do on their Guided Practice. Please practice the doubles rap that we sent home last week. It is a great way for students to learn their double facts and they love singing it!
Science/ Social Studies:
Last week students learned the parts of a plant and their function to help the plant grow. They completed an art project of a flower and labeled it.

This week students will learn that plants need water, soil, and sun to grow.  We will do three science experiments to discover those basic needs of plants.
There is no school for students Next Monday, October 8th. The First Grade Team will be meeting with parents that day for conferences.