Sunday, January 27, 2013

Newsletter for the Week of January 28 - February 1

Dear Family,

This week we will be learning dipthongs! A dipthong is when two vowels come together and make a completely new and unexpected sound! We will learn /oo/ as in tooth, and /oo/ as in foot. 
This week’s red words are would, very, does, friend, and great

In math we will be learning our new math facts, “doubles plus one.”  We will also be focusing on all our math facts to help the students become more automatic.  Math facts should be memorized and be recalled automatically.  We will begin new math fact pages to support this practice.

Social Studies:
Penguins are a-poppin’! We will be reading to learn about penguins and all the different locations they can live.  Did you know all penguins are native to below the Equator?

Since so many penguins do live where it is cold, (but not all penguins as we will learn!), we will use ice to help us learn about solids, liquids and gas.

Special Days:
Congratulations!  Your first grader is 100 days smarter on Tuesday!  We will celebrate our 100th day of school.  Please have your child bring in 100 snack items to share, such as 100 Cheerios, 100 gold fish crackers, 100 chocolate chips, etc.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Newsletter for the Week of January 22 - 25

Dear Family, 

Phonics / Spelling:
This week the students will be introduced to new spellings of long vowels:  Long vowel ‘o’ spelled oe and ow, long ‘u’ spelled ue and ew, and long ‘i’ spelled final y and ie.
The red words for this week are should, would, could, does, and very,
Ask your child to sing the song we sing to help us spell should, would and could!

On last Friday’s math test many students struggled with the question, “How many socks, vs. how many pairs.”  This has been taught intensely in class , however it is still difficult for the students to understand.  This is an easy concept to reinforce at home with laundry placing shoes away in the closet, etc.
This week we will practice adding 2-digit numbers together (without regrouping) using dimes and pennies as if we were buying items in a grocery store.

Social Studies:
We will read about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will also introduce Ruby Bridges and Rosa Parks.  Ruby Bridges was the 6 year old girl who was the first child to attend an all-white school in New Orleans in 1960.  The students should be able to relate to Ruby since she was their same age at this time in her life.

Although we had the best intentions, we have not begun penguins.  We will begin this unit at the end of the week.

Important Notes:
The Christmas Program DVD’s are ready for purchase in the office! 
This Friday is a delayed start day!  School begins at 9:25!
January 29th – 100th Day of school!  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Newsletter for the Week of January 14, 2013

Dear Family,
This week in spelling we will focus on: the vowel teams ee and ea.  In phonics students will learn that ay and ai say a; igh says i. Our red words for the week are:
could, should, would, give, live
Students will continue to work on writing number words. They will be counting coins and reviewing even and odd numbers.  Students will work on time to the hour.
We will continue to learn about penguins and their different habitats. Students will learn that penguins live all over the world below the equator! They will also learn that there are several different kinds of penguins ranging in size from 12 inches to 4 ½ feet tall!
Social Studies:
This month students will learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will read about M.L.K. and learn how important he has been to our world.
No school Jan. 21st- MLK Holiday * Late Start Jan. 25th
We will not send book bags home this week. Look for paper books in their folders.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Newsletter for the Week of January 7, 2013

Welcome Back! We hope all of our families had a wonderful and restful vacation!  January is a exciting month for learning!! The students return ready to learn in the new year! 

A look at our week...

Phonics/ Spelling:
This week in spelling we will repeat lesson 13. The focus is: the letter g makes the /j/ sound when followed by e, i, or y. Our red words for the week are:
once, who, from, give, live

Students will work on writing number words, counting by pairs, and reviewing even and odd numbers.
Have your child help put pairs of socks together and count by twos. Students should be able to identify how many pairs and socks there are all together.

This week we will dive into Winter! In the next few weeks we will be learning about penguins and their different habitats. Students will learn that penguins live all over the world!

Social Studies:
We will be learning a fun song about the seven continents.

Friday we will be doing a fun snowman art project to go along with a fun snowman story.

Special Dates Coming up:
Progress reports go home this Friday
No school Jan. 21st- MLK Holiday * Late Start Jan. 25th