Sunday, February 10, 2013

Newsletter for the Week of February 11 - 15

Dear Family,
Grades Postponed:
Due to the number of absences, we are going to postpone report cards one week.  This will allow time for students to get well before completing our trimester assessments.

Phonics/ Spelling:
This week we will learn the spelling ‘kn’ for the sound /n/.  The rest of the week will be review of our previous sounds and rules.
Our red words for the week are:
great, where, there, many and any.

In math we will begin to practice adding two digit numbers without regrouping, identifying how many more using a graph, identifying and making congruent shapes, counting large collections and counting by tens, and comparing two digit numbers for greater than and less than. Wow!  That’s a lot!

Social Studies:
We will read about Abraham Lincoln whose birthday is on Tuesday. 
We will also continue to practice our seven continents. 

We will continue our study of solids, liquids and gases.  We will read the Dr. Seuss story, Bartholomew and the Oobleck and make oobleck – it isn’t a solid, it isn’t a liquid!  Hmmmmmm...

Late Start on February 15th
Vacation is coming!  No school February 18 – 22
Father/ Daugter Dance “Fairies and Stardust”  February 28th