Thursday, May 9, 2013

Newsletter for May 9, 2013

Dear Family,
Wowee!  Where did this year go?  We can't believe it is already time to count down until the last day of school.  It is time to put the pedal to the medal and crank it up! 

Here are some dates to remember as we complete this mad rush called "The End of the Year!" 

May 10th Friday PEMay 13th GLAS Testing Begins - This is 'Grade Level Assessments.'  We will be testing for the following: Reading Fluency using the normed DIBELS assessement; Phonics Spelling Test; Year-End Math Test; and Writing Assessment;
May 16th Science Day at Shaver Lake - All students must wear long pants and closed toe shoes or they will not be allowed to attend.  Also, please send your child with a water bottle that is easy to carry or strap onto their clothing.  Sunblock should be applied before coming to school that day.
May 22nd Talent Show 
May 27th Memorial Day - no school
May 30th Last day of school - lots of tears from Mrs. Badella, Mrs. Cunningham, and Mrs. Dunn