Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Newsletter sent this Summer

July 23, 2012 

Hello! I am your first grade teacher. I hope you are having a wonderful summer. I am very excited about having you in my class! I know we will have a terrific year together. I’ve been very busy getting our classroom ready. 

I am looking forward to starting our school year together. The first day of school is Wednesday, August 15th. I hope you are excited about the year ahead. We have a lot of learning and fun before us. I would like suggest that you bring a large backpack to school each day to carry your things safely to and from school. When you are purchasing your backpack make sure you can easily open and close it all by yourself. You may also want to purchase a water bottle. You will need to label your bottle with your name and please bring only water due to ant problems. 

We have two snack recesses, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Students tend to get hungry in the midmorning and late afternoon. Please be sure your child has a snack for both recesses to ensure his/her brain and body is well fueled all day long! Your child will not need to purchase his/her own personal school supplies, however this year teachers will receive less money to order classroom school supplies. If you are able to donate supplies, we have included a list of supplies our classrooms are always in need of on a daily basis. Thank you.

Supplies: Glue sticks Elmer’s Glue No. 2 Pencils Wood only Crayola Crayons (24 count) Clorox-type wipes Kleenex Pink Erasers I hope you enjoy your last week of vacation. 

I am looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, August 15th. I will meet you at the playground next to the office just before the bell rings at 8:20. We will then line up, wave goodbye to our parents and walk to our classroom together. Don’t forget to wear shoes that are comfortable and appropriate for school. See you then! 

Your First Grade Team, 

Mrs. Badella, Mrs. Cunningham, and Mrs. Dunn 

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