Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Newsletter for the Week of September 10, 2012

Dear Family,
Remembering September 11th
Phonics/ Spelling:
This week we will introduce the /k/ sound spelled with a c, k, and ck. Our red words for the week are:  put, are.  
This week we will be counting pennies. We will be identifying numbers between numbers. Students will also divide solids into halves. A vocabulary word from last week to use with your child is fewer.
Please go over side B of your child’s math homework and sign at the top each night. Circle any errors made. Please have your child correct the error, but leave the mark so we know on what your child needs extra practice.
Science/ Social Studies:
For Social Studies, we will be reading a book about The Golden Rule. In Science students will learn the different characteristics of living and non-living.
School is going very well. Students are learning classroom routines and expectations. Reading workshop is flowing nicely and we will be in full swing soon!  We will have P.E. this week Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Don’t forget to bring library books to school on Wednesday.


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