Sunday, September 23, 2012

Newsletter for the Week of September 24, 2012

Dear Family,     Happy Fall!

Phonics/ Spelling:
Review of the c, k rule and final digraph –ck (after a short vowel).
After we administered our prespelling test last Thursday, we met and decided the students do not have full understanding of this phonic's rule and need more practice.  We felt the students were memorizing the spelling words vs. applying the rule for when to use a 'c' and when to use a 'k.'  Therefore, we are going to have the same spelling lesson again this week, and spend more time practicing this rule. 

We began our first set of math facts last week, “the doubles.”  This week we will focus on completing this set of facts, “doubles to 18.”  Your child will bring home a set of flash cards to keep and use at home.  With each new set of facts introduce, we will  continue to send home a set of fact cards with which to practice at home.  

Science/ Social Studies:
We will take our knowledge of what we learned is required of living things from our last unit, and apply it to our new unit on plants this week. 

Red Word Ring:
We are starting something new this week…The Red Word Ring! It is a quick practice for your child to perform each night, but a practice that will pay off in big ways!  Please read the note about the Red Word Ring that was sent home in your child's homework folder! Thank you!

Reading Log:
Thank you for signing your child’s reading log.  Please keep this log in your child’s homework folder so that we are able to check your child’s weekly reading for the homework grade.  If your child is absent, simple write absent so we do not count that day. 
We are trying to help the children build personal responsibility.  The students understand the routine and are aware of their homework responsibilities.  We encourage you to help your child to ultimately develop his/her responsibility to be sure all the homework is in the folder, and the folder makes it into the backpack.  These are big steps, we know!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Newsletter for the Week of September 17, 2012

Dear Family,
Phonics/ Spelling:
This week in phonics we will introduce r, short vowel u, and g.
 In spelling we will learn that c is followed by a, o, or u k is followed by i, e, or y.  Short vowel sounds are followed by ck..
Our red words for the week are: what do    
This week we will be writing addition number sentences. Students will identify ordinal positions to the 6th. This is a great thing to practice at home! We will start our addition facts this week. We will start with doubles; 1+1, 2+2, etc. Students will also identify angles and sides of triangles.
Thank you to the parents who are reviewing side B of your child’s math homework and signing at the top each night.
Science/ Social Studies:
We will continue our science unit of living and non-living. Students will work on a book identifying living/non-living items. Students will learn what living things need to grow and change.
Keep sending snacks for your hungry little critters.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Newsletter for the Week of September 10, 2012

Dear Family,
Remembering September 11th
Phonics/ Spelling:
This week we will introduce the /k/ sound spelled with a c, k, and ck. Our red words for the week are:  put, are.  
This week we will be counting pennies. We will be identifying numbers between numbers. Students will also divide solids into halves. A vocabulary word from last week to use with your child is fewer.
Please go over side B of your child’s math homework and sign at the top each night. Circle any errors made. Please have your child correct the error, but leave the mark so we know on what your child needs extra practice.
Science/ Social Studies:
For Social Studies, we will be reading a book about The Golden Rule. In Science students will learn the different characteristics of living and non-living.
School is going very well. Students are learning classroom routines and expectations. Reading workshop is flowing nicely and we will be in full swing soon!  We will have P.E. this week Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Don’t forget to bring library books to school on Wednesday.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Newsletter for the Week of September 4, 2012

Dear Family,
Phonics/ Spelling:
This week we will introduce the letters b, d,  short vowel o, long vowel o, and review letters taught the last two weeks. Our red words for the week are: you,was.    We will have a pre-test every Thursday so you will know what words your child still needs extra practice on. Spelling homework is due every Friday.
Your child took their first math test last week. The math vocabulary they will use in word problems are “we have some; we got some more; or we have some and some went away”.
Thank you for helping your child study their math and spelling tests. Pleasego over their math homework and sign at the top each night.
Science/ Social Studies:
Students will continue working on the theme “All About Me” this week. 
Art/Special Activities:
We will be discussing how many letters and vowels are in our names. Students will then graph the letters in their name.           
Classroom Needs:  
We are in need of bandaids in our classrooms. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. We hope you had a wonderful three day weekend with your families!
Thank you,
Your First Grade Team