Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Newsletter for the Week of September 4, 2012

Dear Family,
Phonics/ Spelling:
This week we will introduce the letters b, d,  short vowel o, long vowel o, and review letters taught the last two weeks. Our red words for the week are: you,was.    We will have a pre-test every Thursday so you will know what words your child still needs extra practice on. Spelling homework is due every Friday.
Your child took their first math test last week. The math vocabulary they will use in word problems are “we have some; we got some more; or we have some and some went away”.
Thank you for helping your child study their math and spelling tests. Pleasego over their math homework and sign at the top each night.
Science/ Social Studies:
Students will continue working on the theme “All About Me” this week. 
Art/Special Activities:
We will be discussing how many letters and vowels are in our names. Students will then graph the letters in their name.           
Classroom Needs:  
We are in need of bandaids in our classrooms. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. We hope you had a wonderful three day weekend with your families!
Thank you,
Your First Grade Team

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