Sunday, January 6, 2013

Newsletter for the Week of January 7, 2013

Welcome Back! We hope all of our families had a wonderful and restful vacation!  January is a exciting month for learning!! The students return ready to learn in the new year! 

A look at our week...

Phonics/ Spelling:
This week in spelling we will repeat lesson 13. The focus is: the letter g makes the /j/ sound when followed by e, i, or y. Our red words for the week are:
once, who, from, give, live

Students will work on writing number words, counting by pairs, and reviewing even and odd numbers.
Have your child help put pairs of socks together and count by twos. Students should be able to identify how many pairs and socks there are all together.

This week we will dive into Winter! In the next few weeks we will be learning about penguins and their different habitats. Students will learn that penguins live all over the world!

Social Studies:
We will be learning a fun song about the seven continents.

Friday we will be doing a fun snowman art project to go along with a fun snowman story.

Special Dates Coming up:
Progress reports go home this Friday
No school Jan. 21st- MLK Holiday * Late Start Jan. 25th

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